Sunday, July 18, 2010


Lucas got sick for the first time this week.  Well, he had episodes of vomiting before but that was because I gave him something that his tummy didn't like.  I wouldn't consider that getting sick.

He started coughing last Tuesday night.  We thought it was nothing and that it would just go away.  But come Wednesday morning, his voice became husky and he was coughing more.  I decided to work from home that day and glad I did because he started becoming miserable.  That night, he developed fever and it went on until Thursday night.  Thursday, we brought him to his doctor, who said that it could just be some virus and it will go away.  Over here, they don't give babies medication unless they have something really serious.

For two nights, Lucas was miserable!  He was waking up literally every hour or more often than that.  He had trouble breathing and he wouldn't take his pacifier because he was breathing from the mouth.  He had trouble sleeping, and as expected we were awake almost the entire evening too.

He is better now.  His fever went away on Friday and he has started eating the same way he used to.  He is still coughing and has runny nose, but he pretty much got his energy and his smiles back.  Charles keeps saying "nag-kiat na sad ug balik".

Having Lucas sick really got me thinking.  I thought the first few nights after he came home was difficult.  I was sore from giving birth and yet I have to wake up every 2-3 hours because that's how often he would eat.  But if I call that difficult, this would be far worse--he was waking up every hour, he would cry hard each time and the hardest part is, there was nothing I could do to make him comfortable.  We were all helpless and frustrated.

My mom would always tell my sister and I to be really careful about where to take and what to feed the boys.  She would always say, "the hardest times of parenthood are when the kids get sick, so avoid it if you can...".  As it turns out, she was right!


Photo:  Lucas' first bath after his fever went away

About This Blog

This is where I document my day-to-day as mother. Every single day with my boy is a new experience, a new adventure for us. If, in the future, the universe will not allow me stay to tell my boy how I feel for him every single day, my journals will be here--a living proof of my unconditional love and devotion to him as his mom.


About Me

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I am happily married and a mom of one. I am working full-time as a Director, Software Business & Integration of a San Francisco-based software company called LiveNote, owned by Thomson Reuters. Being a mom is to me an adventure in itself. I consider it a full-time job and a rather challenging role. But it is also the most rewarding job of all. What I find most exciting about motherhood is that everyday means something new and exciting. And it's hard not to document these things! So here's my little journal of motherhood. Someday, I will look back and read everything I've written here and marvel at how much I have grown and changed as a person, as a mother!

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