Wednesday, December 2, 2009


My son's eczema rashes are now disappearing. What helped? Aveeno Soothing Oatmeal Bath Treatment (this really is soothing--I soaked myself in this when I had chicken pox and it really helped with the itching) and Aveeno Anti-itch Cream.

Lucas was born with Eczema, a skin disease also known as Skin Edema primarily caused by dryness and ultra-sensitive skin. I was told that Eczema is very common to Asian babies here in the US because our skin type sometimes doesn't do very well in dry, cold weather.

He's been having rashes in his face and arms. Sometimes they fade and sometimes they flare up. There is no guaranteed cure for eczema. Doctors here will tell you that the rashes will disappear in its own time--for some it will go away after a few months, for some it will stay for years. What we can do is just moisturize the skin and apply some anti-itch cream so that baby won't keep scratching the infected areas and cause the rashes to blister or bleed. And then we just hope that it will eventually disappear completely.

Lately, the rashes have faded and there's less and less of it everyday. The Aveeno bath products and the new brand of anti-itch cream that we just introduced seems to be working well for him. I really hope this disease will be over for him soon.


  1. I love Aveeno Liz.. the one with oats feels so refreshing..

  2. Good to know his rashes are disappearing. :)


About This Blog

This is where I document my day-to-day as mother. Every single day with my boy is a new experience, a new adventure for us. If, in the future, the universe will not allow me stay to tell my boy how I feel for him every single day, my journals will be here--a living proof of my unconditional love and devotion to him as his mom.


About Me

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I am happily married and a mom of one. I am working full-time as a Director, Software Business & Integration of a San Francisco-based software company called LiveNote, owned by Thomson Reuters. Being a mom is to me an adventure in itself. I consider it a full-time job and a rather challenging role. But it is also the most rewarding job of all. What I find most exciting about motherhood is that everyday means something new and exciting. And it's hard not to document these things! So here's my little journal of motherhood. Someday, I will look back and read everything I've written here and marvel at how much I have grown and changed as a person, as a mother!

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