Thursday, November 26, 2009

First Thanksgiving

It's Lucas' first Thankgiving, and so this makes the holiday extra special for us. We have so much to celebrate! Having Lucas alone is the one thing we are very thankful for. We are also thankful that he is healthy so far and hope that he will stay that way. He has been a good baby--he doesn't cry as much and hasn't given us a lot of grief, especially in terms of sleep. At 6 months old he has been sleeping straight for 6-8 hours, giving Charles and I the opportunity to get enough sleep so we can get some work done during the day.


Happy Thanksgiving, dear son! If you weren't around, things would have been fine, but now that you are with us, things are way better, way happier! You have no idea how grateful I am to have you in my life! I wouldn't trade you for anything!


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About This Blog

This is where I document my day-to-day as mother. Every single day with my boy is a new experience, a new adventure for us. If, in the future, the universe will not allow me stay to tell my boy how I feel for him every single day, my journals will be here--a living proof of my unconditional love and devotion to him as his mom.


About Me

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I am happily married and a mom of one. I am working full-time as a Director, Software Business & Integration of a San Francisco-based software company called LiveNote, owned by Thomson Reuters. Being a mom is to me an adventure in itself. I consider it a full-time job and a rather challenging role. But it is also the most rewarding job of all. What I find most exciting about motherhood is that everyday means something new and exciting. And it's hard not to document these things! So here's my little journal of motherhood. Someday, I will look back and read everything I've written here and marvel at how much I have grown and changed as a person, as a mother!

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