Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You're Two!

Dearest Lucas,

This morning, I asked you, "what day is today?" and you replied, "it's my birthday!!!".  You replied that way because I taught you what to say when I ask that question.  In the years to come, you will know when it's your birthday.  I won't have to remind you and teach you to say "it's my birthday!".  You'll just know it. You'll know it's your big day and it's special to you.

You will await for it every year. You will be counting down as you get closer to it. You may even take advantage of the day to ask for something that you've always wanted. I hope you won't demand too much.

It's been another amazing year for me and you dad. You've only turned two, but in the last 12 months your dad and I feel that you've matured so much. Unlike your first year, we no longer assume what you need or how you feel, because you now tell us. You can communicate very well now and say things very clearly.  I like that so much about you, son. I like that you started speaking early and that you pay attention to what we teach you. I like that you are very curious and observant and that you like following what we say and do. I think this is what helped speed up your learning.

Some people think you are a smart boy.  I do too! And I hope that you'll grow up smart and that you'll work hard to learn things. One of the things I learned in this life is that you can't rely on wisdom alone. You have to learn how to translate your wisdom into something tangible that you can take credit for. Only then can you make a difference.  It's going to be a lot of work, but don't worry, Lucas. Your dad and I will guide you through it. For now, just continue exploring and learning as you go, just as you learned shapes and colors, the alphabet and numbers, and songs and rhymes in your second year.

Also in the last 12 months, you've given us a hint of the type of person that you are. I think you are a go-getter. You try so hard to get what you want (yet maybe all babies your age are like that). When we started weaning you off your pacifier, you cooperated with us. But you knew that your babysitter would let you have your binky during nap time when we were not around. So you pretended to be sleepy all the time so you can have it. You'd rush back to your bed after you say "bye-bye" to us as we leave for work in the morning, just so you can have your binky. As a result, we had to wean both you and your nanny!

You love being outside, even when it's cold. When you're not in a good mood, we'd simply take you outside to watch the birds and the cars go by, and you'll be fine.  Now, you can name most of the common car brands just by looking at their logo. You enjoy going to the park, the beach and even our backyard.  You love going to your swim class. You are my little jetsetter.  Before you turned two, you've been in 12 flights and several long drives.  Surprisingly, you behave so well when traveling.  One time, a lady seated in front of us at a plane said she didn't even realize there was a baby behind her until we were waiting for our turn to deplane. Thank you, baby, for that. Thank you for not giving me a hard time.

People said you're going to be terrible at two.  Well, you have been terrible sometimes. You sometimes get so clingy and you'll cry and cry and not tell us what you want. The second time we weaned you off your pacifier, so gave us such a difficult time. You would wake up in the middle of the night and just cry your lungs out. You've been naughty, you've thrown away things and food. You've slapped me and kicked me and pulled my hair. And we've tried on you every kind of punishment that we can think of--spanking on your butt, leg, hands and mouth, pinching, and quiet corner.  Some of these don't work for you anymore.  Remember, my son, that we never ever want to hurt you. We just can't let you be at times. You have to know when things aren't acceptable anymore because we want you to grow up knowing right from wrong.  So if there is any way we can work this out so we won't ever have to hit you, let's do it. Know that we try so hard not to hit you.

So what's next for you, Lucas? I can think of two things right now--potty training and pre-school. I think potty training is going to be challenging because you are too comfortable with your diapers on. In fact, sometimes you won't let us change you even when you're diaper is full. I think you will love pre-school, but the challenge is for your dad and I to find the right school for you. I think you'll spend many more exciting days with your cousins, and you'll start making memories with them. We will travel and see places together. And maybe, hopefully, you'll finally step foot in the Philippines and perhaps even celebrate your third birthday there.

Lucas, anak, we have so much to thank God for.  First and foremost, for keeping you safe and healthy this past two years, for keeping your dad and I safe so we may take care of you. I thank God that we found a wonderful and caring nanny who can watch you while your dad and I find a living. Without her, I would not have the flexibility to travel, to pursue a career and chase after some dreams. I thank God for giving us the opportunity to spend some time with Mamu (Lola) and Papi (Lolo) again. They are so fond of you, cousin Nathan and cousin Zach. They must miss you so much right now. Finally, I thank God for you, Lucas--you who have given us so much joy in our hearts and life in our home.

As I helped you blow the two candles on your birthday cake today, I silently made a wish for you--that you will continue to grow up beautifully and that you'll grow up knowing of our tremendous love for you. Happy Birthday, dear Lucas!  I love you so, so much!


1 comment:

  1. such a happy post. love it. happy birthday pangga lucas. hope to see you soon.


About This Blog

This is where I document my day-to-day as mother. Every single day with my boy is a new experience, a new adventure for us. If, in the future, the universe will not allow me stay to tell my boy how I feel for him every single day, my journals will be here--a living proof of my unconditional love and devotion to him as his mom.


About Me

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I am happily married and a mom of one. I am working full-time as a Director, Software Business & Integration of a San Francisco-based software company called LiveNote, owned by Thomson Reuters. Being a mom is to me an adventure in itself. I consider it a full-time job and a rather challenging role. But it is also the most rewarding job of all. What I find most exciting about motherhood is that everyday means something new and exciting. And it's hard not to document these things! So here's my little journal of motherhood. Someday, I will look back and read everything I've written here and marvel at how much I have grown and changed as a person, as a mother!

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